In case you haven’t visited Wholehan’s website- -in the past few months, we’ve updated a lot of systems on there including our term quoter, e-applications, pre-screen questionnaires, carrier reference areas, and a full forms module.
Our new term quoter allows you to seamlessly go from quote to e-app as well as sort by product features, pricing, or carrier. It also comes with multiple output options, the ability to save your quotes, and a fully detailed breakdown of product features.
The new e-application system allows you to access all life carriers and products directly, saving you from having to navigate to an insurance company’s website and allows you to complete the application without having to wait for an agent code. Some LTC and DI options are also available on this program.
We’ve also added a variety of fillable PDFs for almost any specific health condition to help compile information for a pre-screen.
In the carrier reports section, you’ll find a wealth of information in a customizable report. Information there ranges from tobacco guidelines, build charts, accelerated underwriting programs, and more.
Our forms module is also fully revamped, allowing access to all new business paperwork needed for all life carriers.
We have given our agents more tools to be self-sufficient and have everything they need at their fingertips, but we’re always happy to help. Give us a call with your next life case and we’ll help you navigate our new website tools.